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VLC code modifying a DLL to configure options?

Posted: 17 Jul 2008 11:28
by MrB
Hi all.

Not sure if this is quite in the right forum...

I want to find out WHAT system changes are made when you CONFIGURE the DIRECTSHOW VIDEO properties.
i.e, if I go to Preferences > Input / Codecs > Access Modules > DirectShow and click CONFIGURE on Video Device Name, I can change the Video Decoder from NTSC_M to PAL_I.

NO CHANGES are made to the registry or files.

Does anyone know what exactly happens (what the VLC code does to the system) when I change to PAL and click OK/Save? Is a DLL being addressed? Is a service being modified?

Can anyone point me to the specific code areas so that I can examine it?

(This relates to this post)

Re: VLC code modifying a DLL to configure options?

Posted: 17 Jul 2008 13:24
by MrB
After checking the source code, filter.cpp seems to be referencing the AnalogVideoStandard Enumeration used by directshow.
See lines 158 - 173.

It seems to be here that the COM object is being modified.
Ideally, I would like a C++ program that simply sets the COM object with the correct setting. This could then be placed in the startup folder and change the directshow object to PAL_I for me.

I haven't played with directshow before, so I'm unsure on how to call the setting (whether I change it in the VLC source and recompile, or create a new program to set it "stand-alone"). Can anyone advise on the function that should be used to set it?


Re: VLC code modifying a DLL to configure options?

Posted: 23 Feb 2010 21:45
by jason.stepp
Here Here...
This issue has plagued me for months. Don't blame it on VLC. It's the lovely MS development folks that won't do anything about it. This forces the end user to possess their own tool or utility to auto-configure the device settings. So far, I have found no such tool, but welcome any comments.