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Windows ME and Mozilla plugin

Posted: 04 Jul 2008 13:26
by yjgalla
I have installed VLC on a Windows ME system (yes I know, ooold system). After replacing the wxWidgets from the current version with that from an older version as suggested elsewhere I could run it just fine.
There's a problem with the Mozilla plugin however. It does not return all MIME types. The browser will not play videos with MIME type application/x-vlc-plugin for example.
"about:plugins" shows some MIME types but the list is incomplete. I suspect there's a size limit to the resource where the MIME types come from on Windows ME. As I only wanted to play "application/x-vlc-plugin" I was able to get this to run by shortening the string with a resource editor.
I don't think there's a remedy for this except maybe putting the most commonly used types at the beginning of the list, but I wanted to share my findings in case somebody else has the same problem.

Re: Windows ME and Mozilla plugin

Posted: 05 Jul 2008 01:23
by schwups
I'm not sure, but I've replaced wxwidgets with wxwidgets 8.6.f and npvlc.dll with npvlc.dll 8.6.c. For me it's OK.

Re: Windows ME and Mozilla plugin

Posted: 05 Jul 2008 16:31
by patclash
I've had the same on a W98SE (old) system since the 0.8.6d version :roll:
So I find a cool issue :
I install the last version (0.8.6h with the wxwidgets 8.6.f) on a other folder in program files, so I have 2 versions of mozilla plugin on firefox and it work fine 8)
VLC Multimedia Plugin

Nom de fichier : npvlc.dll
Version 0.8.6c, copyright 1996-2006 The VideoLAN Team

Type MIME Description Suffixes Autorisé
application/x-ogg Ogg stream ogg Oui
application/ogg Ogg stream ogg Oui
application/x-vlc-plugin VLC plugin vlc Oui
application/x-google-vlc-plugin Google VLC plugin Oui
VLC Multimedia Plugin

Nom de fichier : npvlc.dll
Version 0.8.6h, copyright 1996-2007 The VideoLAN Team

Type MIME Description Suffixes Autorisé
audio/mpeg MPEG audio mp2,mp3,mpga,mpega Oui
audio/x-mpeg MPEG audio mp2,mp3,mpga,mpega Oui
video/mpeg MPEG video mpg,mpeg,mpe Oui
video/x-mpeg MPEG video mpg,mpeg,mpe Oui
video/mpeg-system MPEG video mpg,mpeg,vob Oui
video/x-mpeg-system MPEG video mpg,mpeg,vob Oui
video/mpeg4 MPEG-4 video mp4,mpg4 Oui
audio/mpeg4 MPEG-4 au mp4,mpg4 Oui
application/mpeg4-iod u mp4,mpg4 Oui
application/mpeg4-muxcodetable mp4,mpg4 Oui
video/x-msviddd avi Oui
So I can play vidéos with all MIME type in Firefox :wink:

Re: Windows ME and Mozilla plugin

Posted: 07 Jul 2008 13:02
by yjgalla
I'm not sure, but I've replaced wxwidgets with wxwidgets 8.6.f and npvlc.dll with npvlc.dll 8.6.c. For me it's OK.
Ah, good to know. I admit I was too lazy to try out all previous versions. I tried web and forum search but couldn't find anything usable.