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Problem with playback with screan in Portrait mode (GeodeLX)

Posted: 17 May 2008 14:54
by OwenBurnett
I have am UMPC with an GeodeLX chipset graphic, and have no picture on VLC when using it in Portrait mode.
I know the this is a problem of the driver, since i head the same on my Tablet PC till I updated to the newest lintel driver, but the UMPC manufacture does not provide any never dirver and I don't know where to get a new driver version for the GeodeLX graphics.
Besides windows media player and other does not have this problem, so I there most be a workaround or VLC is dong something not the way it should.

1. Does anyone know where to get windows drivers that work with VLC
2. Could you fix the VLC problem so that like other players it can work with such drivers.

Re: Problem with playback with screan in Portrait mode (GeodeLX)

Posted: 18 May 2008 19:08
by VLC_help
You have tried different video output modules?

Re: Problem with playback with screan in Portrait mode (GeodeLX)

Posted: 20 May 2008 09:24
by OwenBurnett
Yes, but other modes than the standard (DirectX) causes a to high CPU load and only a few frames per secund, with DirectX its only 50% and all frames.
The geode have only 500MHz

Re: Problem with playback with screan in Portrait mode (GeodeLX)

Posted: 24 May 2008 10:41
by OwenBurnett
any more ideas?

Re: Problem with playback with screan in Portrait mode (GeodeLX)

Posted: 24 May 2008 16:08
by VLC_help
Disabling Overlay video output might help or might not.

Re: Problem with playback with screan in Portrait mode (GeodeLX)

Posted: 28 Jul 2008 10:13
by barts2108

Faced some problems too with applications in Portrait mode on Geode based system

In the display properties -> settings tab, press advanced button. Now switch to the
troubleshoot tab. I switched the hardware acceleration slider to the second of left
tick. This disables all DirectDraw and Direct3D accelerations.

This worked for me. Geode not have hardware acceleration support as far as I know.