Shut down computer after playback - solution inside

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Shut down computer after playback - solution inside

Postby Wave » 05 May 2008 12:07

VLC Shutdown 0.1alpha

As far as I am able to tell there is no simple solution to automatically shut down your computer after VLC has stopped playing.

That's why I created this simple AutoIT script to check the status bar of the main VLC window and start a 20 second shutdown-timer once playback has ended. I plan to add additional features like hibernation, standby, a timer (for streams) etc. as soon as I find the time.

In the meantime, grab the sourcecode and the executable here and tell me what you think.

Comments, improvements, suggestions (and bug reports :shock:) are of course very welcome.


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Re: Shut down computer after playback - solution inside

Postby ac1dslayer » 11 Mar 2009 15:49

The shutdown problem seems to be something that is everlasting... well evan lim devised a shutdown script in autohotkey that allows vlc to shutdown after 15 min of inactivity and then enter sleep mode on the monitor. i've tweaked the script a little to get it to work for my personal system and to avoid coding a title reader for vlc :P I will not put up a compiled copy since ahk has the false positive situation. To compile this install ahk, right click on desktop make new ahk file, copy paste code below, create a batchfile C:\myprograms\monitorsleep\sleepzor.bat make sure all of the folders are exactly how they should be named. A possible update might be in order depending on my own lazyness haha hope this helps out :D * updated script

ahk code All credit goes to Evan Lim

Code: Select all

#Persistent settimer, check, 60000 check: if (A_Hour >= 4) and (A_hour <= 5) { SendMessage, 0x112, 0xF170, 1,, Program Manager } ; function will only works within 2-5am if (A_Hour >= 2) and (A_hour <= 3) { ; if no interaction with computer for more than 15 mins 900000 20 min 1200000 if A_TimeIdlePhysical > 2100000 { MsgBox, 0, This MsgBox will time out in 10 seconds, Press OK to prevent screen turning off., 10 IfMsgBox OK return Run, sleepzor.bat, C:\myprograms\monitorsleep sleep, 50000 SendMessage, 0x112, 0xF170, 1,, Program Manager settimer, check, off settimer, check2, 120000 } } return check2: if A_TimeIdlePhysical < 60000 { settimer, check, 60000 settimer, check2, off } return

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