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Stream Freezing Randomly even when saved to disk

Posted: 02 May 2008 02:47
by dragon2009
I'm getting a VLC stream from my campus here but the stream randomly freezes at certain times. It works for a few seconds then audio / video freezes. I even tried saving the stream to disk but the often freezes still occur. Can't VLC just skip over these parts? It seems as if VLC is reading some corrupt data constantly.

I noticed that streaming live freezes every 500ms - 1s.

Checked the log: (When trying the live stream)
main warning: PTS is out of range (7174146), dropping buffer
main warning: PTS is out of range (7150146), dropping buffer
main warning: PTS is out of range (7126146), dropping buffer
main warning: PTS is out of range (7102146), dropping buffer
main warning: PTS is out of range (7078146), dropping buffer
main warning: PTS is out of range (7054146), dropping buffer

main warning: late picture skipped (6978354)

Here's the saved stream log when it skips:
main warning: received buffer in the future (14799688)
main warning: received buffer in the future (14823688)
main warning: received buffer in the future (14847688)
main warning: received buffer in the future (14871688)
main warning: received buffer in the future (14895688)
main warning: received buffer in the future (14919688)
main warning: received buffer in the future (14943688)
main warning: received buffer in the future (14967688)
main warning: received buffer in the future (14991688)
main warning: received buffer in the future (15015688)
main warning: received buffer in the future (15039688)
main warning: dts != current_pts (-14360000)
main warning: vout warning: early picture skipped (14120313)
main warning: vout warning: early picture skipped (14160313)
main warning: vout warning: early picture skipped (14200313)
main warning: vout warning: early picture skipped (14240313)
main warning: vout warning: early picture skipped (14280313)
main warning: vout warning: early picture skipped (14299313)
main warning: vout warning: early picture skipped (14339313)

I also noticed that the stream starts with 47:20:25 so I guess VLC can't decode the time properly?

Re: Stream Freezing Randomly even when saved to disk

Posted: 02 May 2008 17:48
by VLC_help
Have you tried nightly builds to see if they work better?

Re: Stream Freezing Randomly even when saved to disk

Posted: 02 May 2008 21:33
by dragon2009
I've been trying nightly builds for the past week. I guess I'll try today's too..but I still no luck.

By the way, nightly builds break the VLC ActiveX component. You can't stream through websites with 0.9.0-git

Re: Stream Freezing Randomly even when saved to disk

Posted: 12 May 2008 01:32
by dragon2009
So...I'm still having this issue.

Re: Stream Freezing Randomly even when saved to disk

Posted: 12 May 2008 14:01
by VLC_help
Does the stream work with any other player?

Re: Stream Freezing Randomly even when saved to disk

Posted: 13 May 2008 23:59
by dragon2009
Apparently the stream is made for 'VLC Only'.

Even though it uses MPEG for Video/Audio, no other players can open it.

EDIT: Actually, Media Player Classic can actually play it and it skips the non-playing frames! Woot!

Re: Stream Freezing Randomly even when saved to disk

Posted: 17 Jul 2008 19:15
by matrix200
I have a similar problem with vlc on windows while the stream is produced on a linux box with hauppauge 150 PVR.
Thanks to dragon2009 for the tip on media player classic!
This works without a problem.
I would like to point out that the problem has become more evident with the later versions of vlc.
I remember that when I had 0.86b/c the stream was much more stable.
With the latest videolan I get stuttering and eventually freeze in about 2 minutes max :(
How could I possibly get the latest builds for windows without having to compile?

A small update (I did get the latest nightly and the problem seems mostly gone.
I did have a small 2 frames loss which didn't cause any stuttering so maybe the problem is fixed in the latest builds.