outputting video to second display utilities?

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outputting video to second display utilities?

Postby bober99 » 27 Apr 2008 23:37

I have my 24" lcd as my primary and a 720p sharp tv as the secondary. The secondary is located in a different room and I can't see it from my primary location. I have a geforce 9600 and a quad core 2.4ghz with 3 gig of ram under windows vista.

Currently, I set the Sharp as a secondary display and start the movie on my primary and drag it over to the second display. Their are some problems:
1) I can only want to use the sharp to display video not other windows - is this possible?
2) When I drag the VLC over then I can't access the controls from the primary display anymore and I can't see what my mouse is doing on the second display.

Can I have the vlc controls stay on the primary and only the video go full screen on the secondary?

Can someone suggest a solution or any utilities to accomplish this?

Finally does anyone know of any wifi controls that can be like a remote control for vlc? I want to use my iphone as a remote control. I've found some remote desktop apps that operate over the web (pc2me) but I'd prefer something that was only VLC controls and not stream everything else over.

Thanks for all the help.

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Re: outputting video to second display utilities?

Postby VLC_help » 28 Apr 2008 13:50

There is additional webinterface that you could use with iPhone. And if you disable Embed video in interface from Settings -> Preferences... and Interface -> Main interface -> wxWidgets you should get separate video and control parts.

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Re: outputting video to second display utilities?

Postby specter333 » 29 Apr 2008 07:12

As was posted earlier, if you un-embed the controls from the video window you can keep the controls on one screen and the video on another. You can drag either to any window. You can also choose to open the video window full screen on which ever monitor you like. Also if the file type is associated with VLC then which ever monitor you click the file is the monitor VLC will start playing on. It’s all in the video output pages of the settings.

One thing I recently discovered is many nvidia cards, most of the newer ones, will not play video from the second output. This is not documented in the users manuals, you have to dig deep into nvidia’s forums to find if yours will or not. I had purchased two cards, both with 2 DVI outs and the second DVI port on both cards was incapable of playing video. After the shock wore off I sent them back and bought ATI cards which work great.

For controlling VLC, I use a program called Event Ghost, it’s free, which has a plugin for controlling VLC built in. You can control it with about any device you choose. I use a regular DVD player remote but it can also be done wifi with a pocket pc or smart phone or just about anything you can input to a computer. http://www.eventghost.org

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