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DV video with another audio input

Posted: 03 Apr 2008 02:15
by clbgld
It appears that whenever using a DV camera as the video input device, but selecting another audio input device (like the computer's soundcard or a USB microphone), VLC will always override the audio input source section and use the audio from the DV camera instead. Since DV cameras generally have poor audio, I was trying to input the video from the DV input but trying to use another audio device for the sound (WMP Classic allows for that selection to be made correctly, but of course it doesn't do all that VLC does).

Is there a workaround or command that would make it possible to use the actual selected audio device when using DV input, or a way to make the DV demuxer not override the audio device selection?



Re: DV video with another audio input

Posted: 04 Apr 2008 10:15
by atmo
Hello Cleiber,

do you have connected the videocamera via firewire to your computer? - I think I know why you can't choose another audio device - because the firewire device devlivers a interleaved audio / videostream - that make VLC think - he needs no extra audio device to open - I'am currently try to work on this - because I have the same issue with another capture card (PVR250) which delivers an MPEG2 Stream (audio/video) in one container. So I can't mute audio or choose another audio device as source for this.
I think I have to add some more direct show filter for solving this - my current idea is the add some direct show demux filter to the stream - to split audio from video - and ignore the audio part from this... so that I can feed the videolan backend with another audio stream - from another device.

If you would like to participate as "Betatester" - feel free to join us on #videolan and ask for "atmo" thats me... (at normal CET I'am there)

with best regards


Re: DV video with another audio input

Posted: 05 Apr 2008 22:27
by clbgld

Thanks for the reply.

My understanding of the MS directshow filters is that there are two - a DV decoder which only decodes video, and a DV demuxer which splits video and audio. At least that is the case using MS ConferenceXP and the Windows Media Player classic. I don't know if the DV decoding gets done inside VLC (maybe through one of the libs?) in which case it may be doing both at the same time. In most other programs, like Windows Media Encoder 9 and the like, one can choose a different audio input device without problems.

Chalk me up for betatesting - I am on Central Time (US) but will send you my email off list.

All best,
