Streaming with the VLC ActiveX control?

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Streaming with the VLC ActiveX control?

Postby robertdeniro » 12 Mar 2008 12:20

I've got VLC sending a webcam stream from my PC to another on my LAN.
That PC is also sending a webcam stream which I receive, so we have a 2-way video chat setup.

Now I wanna get rid of the interface & run the a simplified viewer with the 2 videos side by side.
So I can see myself, and the other person in 1 neat little window, with 2 viewer windows inside.

Now I haven't tried the ActriveX control yet, but I don't imagine I'd have any problem setting it up 2 play the incoming stream.
But can the ActiveX control also OUTPUT THE WEBCAM STREAM as the VLC player can.
I don't see any obviously named method of the control that implies it can stream out.

Failing that, my first appraoch wud be to shell VLC, and then use SetParent to steal the video windows while hiding the VLC window, but I prefer sumthing not so hackish.

Can anyone show me the way to streaming out with the ActiveX control?
Is it possible?

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Re: Streaming with the VLC ActiveX control?

Postby robertdeniro » 13 Mar 2008 08:38


Can sumone at least gimme a definitive "It's not possible" then I know it's not gonna happen.
Or has nobody eva considered using the control 4 streaming out?

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Re: Streaming with the VLC ActiveX control?

Postby revolunet » 13 Mar 2008 12:17

of course you can !

First try to stream a file and sout it with the activex, see for example viewtopic.php?f=16&t=41353&p=128939&hil ... ex#p128939

when this work, try to use your webcam

Theorically, the plugins can do almost everything than VLC itself can do. Note that in the 0.9 version there will be a more lot security restrictions
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Re: Streaming with the VLC ActiveX control?

Postby robertdeniro » 17 Mar 2008 09:17

Thanks, this looks promising...
But I'm a bit put off by the configuration - the usage of arrays and such kinda forces u to hard code the control.
It's not as simple as a simple configuration string, which u can change via a settings dialog & that u can just pass to the control.

But thanks very much for the link, it looks very promising.
I'll play around with it & see what I can do.

thanks again revolunet

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