Hope you can help me and my classroom. I'm a fifth grade teacher that has been using VLC to stream (bought 32 laptops out of my own moeny - used - all I could afford to bring my students into the 21st century) mp4 files across my peer to peer network. Here are some questions that I hope someone can answer for me. I just downloaded the "e" version.
1. How do I make VLC automatically start playing when a DVD is inserted?
2. How do I make windows 2000 stop asking "there is no dvd compatable decoder.....?"
3. I tried to steam a DVD but I'm doing something wrong or VLC can't stream a DVD on the fly (I can stream a file with this shorcut target = F:\vlc\VLC.EXE f:\history.mp4 --sout="#duplicate{dst=display, dst=std{access=udp, mux=ts, url=}}" with the last 1 meaning the students press the F1 function key. I tried menu: file/open disk/ advance options/checked the stream/save/settings/ left mpegts and changed the video kbs to 256 and audio kbs to 32 (students have older computers) but VLC then stops. Where do I put the "url="?
4 When playing locally a DVD and I move the slider to advance several minutes forward, it hangs up. Any ideas about that?
Thanks guys for helping