What an amazing player. But hotkey support is beyond terrible.
First of all WHY FORCE people to use combination of CTRL+ or ALT+ why some commands work without combination and others dont??? Like "space" works for Pause/Play but dont work for anything else WHY??? Why in order to jump I have to do voodoo with my fingers? Mouse wheel scrool is not working with volume controls? You can set up medium jump only with some weird combination.... how the hell do you set these shorcuts properly?
BSPlayer for exampler has a very good hotkey support you can make any key (or combination) do whatever you want but video and audio support is not so great...
Why is it impossible to make "jump" use only > (forward) < (backward) without anything else? Why even with CTRL+, and ALT+. do not work? Why cant I USE ONE FINGER FOR COMMAND I USE ALL THE FREAKING TIME... come on, I want to watch a video NOT PLAY A PIANO!!!!! I dont know how stupid you have to be to make THE MOST USED commands only work with combinations? I never seen a player where in order to jump or raise volume you have to twist your fingers like crazy. When watching a movie THE LAST thing I want to do is press CTRL+ALT+SHIFT+UP or something like that to change volume....
end rant.
Question how make "<"(,) ">"(.) to control any kind of jump forward and back (right now only combination of CTRL+ works and not with every button, like letters do not work.
Question how to make mouse wheel to resize video screen?
How to make "up" and "down" only to control volume up, volume down? Now it only works with combination.... ughhh why combinatio? I want to repeat again I dont want to play a piano I want to use ONE FINGER ONLY for conrols just like "space" right now. Is it possible?