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Using mouse wheel to forward/rewind in fullscreen mode

Posted: 21 Jan 2008 20:18
by netwolf

I know that after clicking the slider I can use the mouse wheel to forward/rewind a playing movie.

(btw: is there a way to get rid of having to click the slider before being able to use the scroll wheel? Would be way more comfortable)

However, as soon as I enter fullscreen, the mouse wheel stops to work :(

I tried playing with mouse gestures, but unfortunately didn't have any success.

Would you please be so kind to tell me what I'm doing wrong.


Re: Using mouse wheel to forward/rewind in fullscreen mode

Posted: 21 Jan 2008 20:51
by Arite
That only happens because the seek bar is selected after clicking it - when you go into fullscreen mode it is deselected.

You can use the shortcuts/hotkeys:
Shift + Up Arrow/Down Arrow - +/- ~3 sec respectfully
Alt + Up Arrow/Down Arrow - +/- ~10 sec respectfully
Crtl + Up Arrow/Down Arrow - +/- ~1 min respectfully

To seek when in (or out of) fullscreen mode.

To enable use of the mousewheel in fullscreen mode etc. then a feature request would probably need to be made to make the scroll wheel one of the customisable hotkeys.


Re: Using mouse wheel to forward/rewind in fullscreen mode

Posted: 21 Jan 2008 21:12
by netwolf
Ok, I see, thank you.

I'm gonna have to file a feature request then I guess...

Can the mouse wheel also be used for anything reasonable other than seeking?

If not, why not 'select' the seek bar by default without the need for an extra click?

Re: Using mouse wheel to forward/rewind in fullscreen mode

Posted: 21 Jan 2008 22:21
by Arite
Well the latest nightly build(s) of 0.9.0 do implement the scroll wheel for changing the volume (works in fullscreen etc.) by default. Also, Mouse Wheel Up/Down can be selected for e.g. seeking forward/backward without a problem in the hotkey sectionf of the preferences - only the volume changer seems to overide it.

To test the latest nighly builds:


Re: Using mouse wheel to forward/rewind in fullscreen mode

Posted: 21 Jan 2008 23:13
by netwolf
Great, that's exactly what I was looking for!

Hotkey settings did the trick, I didn't know that I can also assign mouse events there.
I just hope that the volume changes in 9.0 do not break it.

Thank you very much for the hint!

Re: Using mouse wheel to forward/rewind in fullscreen mode

Posted: 21 Jan 2008 23:49
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
It will break. :D

Re: Using mouse wheel to forward/rewind in fullscreen mode

Posted: 22 Jan 2008 00:35
by Arite
It will break. :D
Great, that's exactly what I was looking for!

Hotkey settings did the trick, I didn't know that I can also assign mouse events there.
I just hope that the volume changes in 9.0 do not break it.

Thank you very much for the hint!
No problem - I didn't actually realise Mouse Wheel Up/Down could be selected in 0.8.x range (thought it was just 0.9.0) - but since it works using 0.8.6d then great :).


Re: Using mouse wheel to forward/rewind in fullscreen mode

Posted: 22 Jan 2008 01:14
by netwolf
It will break. :D
I hope you're just kidding ;)
(or make it configurable, as I guess most users change volume less often then they seek in a video...)

Re: Using mouse wheel to forward/rewind in fullscreen mode

Posted: 22 Jan 2008 01:24
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
It will break. :D
I hope you're just kidding ;)
(or make it configurable, as I guess most users change volume less often then they seek in a video...)
I just don't know. So I am protecting myself against false promises.