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Playing files over ftp

Posted: 21 Jan 2008 03:00
by gigicarlo
Hi there..

its my first post..

i just have one little question about playing files over ftp .. is there a special syntax ?

or something i have to consider about passwords ?

The same syntax that i use within a webbrowser does not work for me

any ideas ?

ciao luigi

Re: Playing files over ftp

Posted: 21 Jan 2008 14:34
by funman
please give a real exemple, and look at vlc messages (menu view -> messages)

Re: Playing files over ftp

Posted: 21 Jan 2008 18:53
by gigicarlo
well its simple .. i mean the real example.

i have a NETWORK drive connected to my airport express, it has an integrated FTP server- so i can access it via wireless with the local adress


for example

"none" is the password...

you can try the same from "outside" with the domain name that is mentioned in the error bug.

Neither on XP or MAC OS plays back the file...

With commandline-mplayer it no it cannot be a NAT or Port or Firewall-thing....

Below the error log (Mac OS X)

// OK this should go in the Mac Forum, but right now i am at work with my Macbook.... but i will switch to XP lateron



macosx debug: error panel requested
macosx debug: input has stopped, refreshing interface
main debug: thread 43720704 joined (input/input.c:412)
main: nothing to play
main debug: adding playlist item `Kitchen_Stories' ( ... en_Stories )
main debug: creating new input thread
main debug: waiting for thread completion
main debug: thread 43362816 (input) created at priority 37 (input/input.c:265)
main debug: ` ... en_Stories' gives access `ftp' demux `' path `'
main debug: enforced demux ` ffmpeg'
main debug: creating access 'ftp' path=''
main debug: looking for access2 module: 6 candidates
access_ftp debug: waiting for connection...
main debug: net: connecting to port 21
main debug: connection in progress
macosx debug: input has changed, refreshing interface
access_ftp debug: answer=220 NET Disk FTP Server ready.
access_ftp debug: connection accepted (220)
access_ftp debug: ftp_SendCommand:"USER luigi"
access_ftp debug: answer=331 User name okay, need password.
access_ftp debug: password needed
access_ftp debug: ftp_SendCommand:"PASS none"
access_ftp debug: answer=230 User logged in, proceed.
access_ftp debug: password accepted
access_ftp debug: ftp_SendCommand:"EPSV ALL"
access_ftp debug: answer=500 Syntax error, command unrecognized.
access_ftp: FTP Extended passive mode disabled
access_ftp debug: waiting for connection...
main debug: net: connecting to port 21
main debug: connection in progress
access_ftp debug: answer=220 NET Disk FTP Server ready.
access_ftp debug: connection accepted (220)
access_ftp debug: ftp_SendCommand:"USER luigi"
access_ftp debug: answer=331 User name okay, need password.
access_ftp debug: password needed
access_ftp debug: ftp_SendCommand:"PASS none"
access_ftp debug: answer=230 User logged in, proceed.
access_ftp debug: password accepted
access_ftp debug: ftp_SendCommand:"TYPE I"
access_ftp error: failed to send command
access_ftp error: cannot set binary transfer mode
access_file warning: No such file or directory
cdda warning: could not open
main warning: no access2 module matching "ftp" could be loaded
main error: no suitable access module for ` ... en_Stories'
macosx debug: input has stopped, refreshing interface
main debug: thread 43362816 joined (input/input.c:412)
main: nothing to play

Re: Playing files over ftp

Posted: 02 Apr 2008 16:47
by miri
I have similar troubles playing files over FTP (.ts/.rec). VLC will play a small file (<2 gb), but not until the file is completly transfered from FTP. Larger files will not play a tall. If I instead start copying the file from ftp to local HDD, then I can start playing the copied file when i'm still transfering (from cache)... Is this correct behavior

Re: Playing files over ftp

Posted: 02 Apr 2008 17:42
by revolunet
the syntax for FTP is :

Code: Select all

note the '@'