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video stops

Posted: 13 Nov 2007 21:34
by rhodeye
I was watching a shoutcast tv cartoon and after about half a minute it stops.Earlier in the day I didn't have that problem. I have windows 98 and the player is 0.8.6c.

Re: video stops

Posted: 17 Nov 2007 19:59
by VLC_help
Does this still happen and if so have you checked VLC messages for possible problems?

Re: video stops

Posted: 20 Nov 2007 02:12
by rhodeye
Yes it does still happen even on the ones that come in clear. It plays about 1 minute than stops. I checked for messages under the view tab but there were none. Some stations I just get a black screen but if I click pause than play it will come on but then shortly stop(both the video and audio) than start again. After doing this for a little while it won't come back on until after a long wait and then its intermitant audio. The video appears like a multicolored jigsaw puzzle made up of very little squarelike pieces that sometimes comes in clear but then reverts to the jigsaw puzzle effect again. It keeps coming on and going off like thiis. Could it be because I only have a 400 MHZ pentium II Intel MMX processor, ATI 3D rage pro turbo 2x and AGP graphics with 4 MB SGRAM? Whatever those things mean. .......These things were happening all the while as I was typing this but now the station chaanged automatically to the station above it on the shoutcast list but its holding steady and nice . (from Tokyo Net Live to Its not the station I wanted though. If I click on the Tokyo station again the same thing happens(the jigsaw video effect ). Thanks if you can help out. I don't understand many technical computer terms yet

Re: video stops

Posted: 20 Nov 2007 16:07
by VLC_help
Open the messages before start of playback. Pure audio should playback ok in your computer. Newer video codecs will cause problems because they require more CPU time than your computer can give to them, which will cause playback issues.