Full screen over dual monitor...

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New Cone
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Full screen over dual monitor...

Postby legoman666 » 21 Oct 2007 07:18

I've searched the forums for a way to do this, and I kind of got it working... But not to the extent I want it to.

I have 2 19" LCD's I'm trying to output to. I got VLC to display split screen (left half of the video on the left monitor and the right half on the right monitor) by using Open GL output. The problem is, when I try to go "full screen" (IE, can see nothing else but the video) it "full screens" to just the single left monitor.

Here's a pic of how I currently have it: Image

Is there any way to achieve true full screen on dual monitors? Or am I stuck with my current solution. As you can see in the pic, the taskbar, the outline of the display window and the title bar of the window are all still visible.

New Cone
New Cone
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Joined: 21 Oct 2007 07:01

Re: Full screen over dual monitor...

Postby legoman666 » 21 Oct 2007 08:08

Actually... Got it working properly by changing my display mode in the Catalyst Control Panel to stretch instead of Extend. Using stretch is weird for normal applications seeing as how they maximize to 2560x1024, but I guess I can switch back and forth between extend and stretch as the situation dictates. I made 2 desktop icons with CCC so I can change quickly.

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