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Feature Explanation

Posted: 16 Oct 2007 21:53
by imam299
Forgive my lack of knowledge regarding VLC Media Player but it was recommended to me by a technician for a specific use.
I need to take an AVI file, play it to a specific frame and them save a .jpg file of the frame being viewed. VLC plays the video file with no problem. I assumed that the video/snapshot menu selection was the feature that would provide the .jpg but I have no idea where the resulting file is stored. I tried searching the documentation for "snapshot" but can't find any information. Any help would be greatly appreciated

Re: Feature Explanation

Posted: 16 Oct 2007 22:15
by daveshrop
If i take a snapshot it seems to automatically go to My Pictures. can configure it at....
Settings>Preferences>Video>Video Snapshot Directory

Re: Feature Explanation

Posted: 21 Oct 2007 22:56
by svivian
I don't get the option for "Video Snapshot Directory" ('Advanced options' is checked). The only thing relating to snapshots is Preferences > Video > Output modules > Image file. I changed the Filename prefix as well, but it just saves images with "vlcsnap-" prefix. Using version 0.8.6c on Windows Vista. Have I missed something?

Also a UI improvement that should be made: I changed the hotkey settings for snapshot to a single key ('c', swapping shortcuts with crop function). But this was not registered until AFTER a restart, which was not indicated anywhere. Either change the settings straight away or tell me I need to restart :)

Re: Feature Explanation

Posted: 23 Oct 2007 12:28
by fkuehne
This should work without a restart actually. Seems to be a bug in the current windows interface, which will be replaced by the next release anyway ;)

and yes, you missed something. Don't dive into the Image File sub-category. Just select "Video" in the list and then have a look at the right side of the window. It will show you the option you're looking for :)