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Smooth transitions?

Posted: 15 Oct 2007 17:06
by Voodooman

I'm a professional 3D animator with a problem (well, many - but only one relevant here) :D
Recently, I got this new machine at work. Big time thing with 8800 GT X graphic card and all.
Well, I used to view my animations in MediaPlayerClassic - witch i love. But on this new machine, first there was MP 11 which took over. When uninstalling, MP 9 took over. And since i couldn't make the classic MP my permanent viewer, I decided to try the VLC.
But but but... Game animations is often very short in length and i need the VLC to making an .avi preview of them.
Thing is, I’ve made the player repeat/loop the .avi file, but it doesn’t do a good a very job of that. It sort of makes a pause/break between each end and start, making any animation looks jerky. That was defently MP Classics force to make smooth transitions.
Looking through the preferences, I find nothing to indicate there’s a delay(setting)anywhere. And I find nothing on VLCs forum/FAQ. So question is, of cause, how to get rid of that?
If you have a solution or your own settings that works – please let me know. :)

Thanks in advance

Re: Smooth transitions?

Posted: 15 Oct 2007 17:13
by funman
unfortunately there is no way

Re: Smooth transitions?

Posted: 16 Oct 2007 18:24
by CloudStalker
I read that this has something to do with dlls. Windows media player can do this because it'll hold on to the dlls of the previous video for a short time and then play into the next video, therefore, smooth transitional video. Don't know if this will work for VLC though. :(

Wrong! read below.

Re: Smooth transitions?

Posted: 17 Oct 2007 00:23
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
no, that is wrong, this is just because VLC unload the modules, and reload them after, if there is a change of format... Anyway, it could be partly changed in the interface, but this is complicated.

Re: Smooth transitions?

Posted: 17 Oct 2007 10:00
by Voodooman
Thanks for the answers. Guess it is not an easy thing to change.

j-b> Is there a tutorial to change the interface in the way you mention?

again thanks in advance.

Re: Smooth transitions?

Posted: 18 Oct 2007 10:29
by georgesdev
Here is what you can try instead of using playlists which do generate a glitch between 2films:

Change the preference to loop at the end of a video:

menu Settings-Preferences select Input/codecs, change Input repetition from 0 to some number, let's say 5.

The glitch will be almost invisible. (of course it will depend on how your file is encoded).

If that is not enough, you can additionnaly choose to save the result to a file using the stream/save option. In that case there will be no such thing as unloading and reloading a codec because the transition will be in the middle of the resulting file.