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[Help] VLC changes mouse sensitivity

Posted: 25 Jun 2007 20:40
by loc
Dear all,

I've tried installing different versions of VLC on Windows XP SP2 on several occasions now, but each time i get the same issue. When i launch VLC my mouse sensitivity is changed (increased). When i close the program the settings stay as VLC has set them, but after restart they go back to my default. I have no idea why this happens, and do not really understand why a media player would even need to have anything to do with the mouse settings. I have a Logitech G5 Lasermouse with the latest firmware and drivers.

Does anyone have any idea why this happens and how i can solve this? I've gone through the VLC settings but there is nothing on mouse sensitivity or rate that i can see. I would love to use VLC, but this issue is too annoying for me to accept it. At the moment i am therefore stuck with WMP.

Any help appreciated.

Thanks, loc

Re: [Help] VLC changes mouse sensitivity

Posted: 25 Jun 2007 21:35
by CloudStalker
ONE word for you: Logitech. They always seem to have issues with their drivers. I know from experience. 8)

Do you ever get like a slight flash of your desktop when you open VLC? I'm probably way off on this one but try forcing the refresh rate to something like 85 or anything other then default. Make sure to do this through the Control Panel so that it can reset itself just in case it doesn't work. Although I doubt the refresh rate is the answer I would still investigate those Logitech drivers.

Re: [Help] VLC changes mouse sensitivity

Posted: 06 Dec 2007 22:49
by bwana
has this issue been resolved. i have a logitech g5 and it misbehaves this way as soon as i click in the vlc window. t restore normal mouse speed i have to click in the logitech mouse control panel. this problem does not occur with any other app so i think it is the way that vlc is polling the mouse-perhaps it's trying to talk directly to the hardware instead of talking to the driver?

Re: [Help] VLC changes mouse sensitivity

Posted: 25 May 2008 14:01
by robbage
has this issue been resolved
No. I'm using 0.8.6f and it still happens. It's the only program I've ever seen cause this, so it isn't a Logitech driver issue (as far as I'm concerned).