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Mulitple input into capturecard -> crash

Posted: 20 Jun 2007 17:31
by fred.hild

I need help. I have a capture caard which receives 2 streams of video. One on each video-input. Vlc can easily display one of these streams by choosing the dshow-video-input.
The problem is that i want to display both streams at the same time. If I start up a new instance of vlc and sets it up to display the other stream the new instance crashes. I guess it has to do with that the directshow object isnt free.

Please help me. Is it possible to display both at the same time somehow?

Thanks in advance Fredrik

Posted: 21 Jun 2007 23:35
by Quovodis
what type of card is it, what sort of inputs ?

Re: Mulitple input into capturecard -> crash

Posted: 25 Jun 2007 16:18
by fred.hild
It is a Conexant Capture (at least thats its directShow name). And the input is PAL_B from pin 1 and 2. Im not shure if it is a S-video input or not.

I have found som information saying that i may not be possible with this card to access both inputs at the same time because of the hardware but I am not 100% sure.