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small problem on vista

Posted: 16 Jun 2007 23:49
by SilverPaladin

you made a very good work with the newest release 0.8.6c but now i have a little problem.
I set the player to be always on top, if i change from windowed to fullscreen, the video stays behind the vlc gui until i minize the gui window :?
In older versions the gui disapears as soon as i click on the video behind.

Sorry for my bad english...


same "Bug" under XP

Posted: 17 Jun 2007 06:07
by seinfeld
I had the same issue with the olderversion, so I dont think its a new bug

Posted: 17 Jun 2007 06:32
by SilverPaladin
I had the same issue with the olderversion, so I dont think its a new bug
0.8.6b is working fine, if you change to fullscreen and the gui stands in front of the video klick on the gui and than an the video in background and the gui should disapear.

With 0.8.6c this "workaround" doesnt work...