How To Watch "ZMBV" Videos
Posted: 30 May 2007 21:12
I did figure out a way to see "ZMBV" videos with the regular "VLC Player" !
Here's how I did it ....
1] UpLoad The "ZMBV" video to YouTube
2] Go to the "DownLoad-Video-From-Any-Video-WebSite" WebSite > "Video DownLoad WebSite"
3] Put the video's YouTube URL in the adressbar
4] Wait a few seconds for the video to be "transformed"
5] DownLoad & watch as usual with the regular "VLC player" !
Here's how I did it ....
1] UpLoad The "ZMBV" video to YouTube
2] Go to the "DownLoad-Video-From-Any-Video-WebSite" WebSite > "Video DownLoad WebSite"
3] Put the video's YouTube URL in the adressbar
4] Wait a few seconds for the video to be "transformed"
5] DownLoad & watch as usual with the regular "VLC player" !