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Huge Problem, really need help!

Posted: 14 May 2007 11:27
by skirmisher
Hi people... since a couple of weeks I have a problem with VLC (and every other media player) that I can't fix.. I am really desperate otherwise I wouldn't ask here for help!

My System:

Enough Speed/Mem etc..

Mplayers: VLC, MPClassic, WMP11

Description of the Problem:

All the video files I try to play (.mpg .avi etc..) are really unsharp/pixelized.. This only happens whenever the Video is not played in its native resolution.. Its hard to understand this so I have 2 screenshots..

1. VLC (640*480 No zoom/resize)


2. VLC (Same Video, resized the Image a little)


And if I ise fullscreen mode it even looks uglyer..

What i Have noticed: The same artifacts show up in vizualisations when playing music, or for example the logos HL2 starts with.. in fact every video source..

I've tried a lot of things with codecs, gspot etc.. but I can't solve the problem.. :(

Please help me!!

Posted: 14 May 2007 11:47
by DJ
Press ctrl i while playing the file and go to the advanced info... tab. Post that here.

Posted: 14 May 2007 11:51
by skirmisher


Posted: 14 May 2007 12:09
by DJ
I assume that the other files you are having trouble with are the same? Or out of the same anime series?

Can you provide a sample somewhere?

Posted: 14 May 2007 12:15
by skirmisher
I could do that, but the problem not only exist with this specific anime series, it exist with all my video files. Besides even the vizualisation in WMP11 show the same error pattern.

I've allready installed the newest drivers for my gfx card, also I have installed the newest directx available.

Posted: 15 May 2007 15:18
by skirmisher
Hey, I'm still stuck here, any ideas would be really appreciated!

Posted: 18 May 2007 09:46
by skirmisher
No help?

Posted: 18 May 2007 10:07
by Teta
It might have something to do with the codec you are using...

Try uninstalling and reinstalling the Xvid codec, or using another version of it. Dunno if that will do the trick, just where I would look first.


Posted: 18 May 2007 10:35
by DJ
VLC uses it's own libraries to decode and encode media files. This rather rules out the codec theory in this case.

I would look at some other areas of your machine.

1. DMA settings for your drives. Be sure they are correct. contains some useful info...

2. A missing AGP or PCIe driver will cause problems. Try playing a commercial DVD then open your Task Manager and note CPU usage. Post that here.

3. While playing that same DVD open Messages in VLC and be sure it's quiet (not lots of errors). If there are errors post a sample of the repeating errors here.

Also if you would note the size of your monitor and the screen resolution here it would be appreciated.

Posted: 21 May 2007 23:24
by skirmisher
After trying a lot of things, with no result, I recognized in Software that i did install the video hook with Ultra VNC.

After uninstalling it everything worked like a charm again!

Anways thanks a lot for your suggestions, really appreciated!
