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VLC Wallpaper, change display size

Posted: 02 Apr 2007 01:19
by singul4r1ty
Im currently using the wallpaper function to follow streaming video news but since the streaming quality is low I would like the video to retain its original size instead of pixelated full screen.

I played around with the video filters but did not get the desired effect.

By the way: Is it even possible? Since wallpaper mode uses directx and from playing games I know you can only change screensize in windowed mode otherwise it only lowers the resolution.

Posted: 02 Apr 2007 08:01
by DJ
To the best of my knowledge it is not possible.

Posted: 02 Apr 2007 12:10
by singul4r1ty
I tried automatic cropping but that filter is dynamically changing the aspect ratio while running (looks weird) and still is fullscreen.

I'll request it as a feature then (although its a long shot with VLC's big To Do list)

Or perhaps its possible to run vlc in a webpage (specifying size) and then run it as active desktop wallpaper?

Re: VLC Wallpaper, change display size

Posted: 24 Aug 2008 16:04
by M.Bravestarr
Is it now possible to change the size of the videos playing in the wallpaper modus?