Consoles Screws Up If I Type Too Fast

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Consoles Screws Up If I Type Too Fast

Postby DJ_Izumi » 25 Mar 2007 00:50

I'll admit using a console to control software isn't something I'm used too but alll I'm trying to do is change the marquee during run time so I can have live updated text messages on my streams. Now, this works.

Very simple:

Code: Select all

marq-marquee testing message one
This just works fine, however if I type out the console command at a reasonable typying speed, VLC seems to garble the command even though it's all correct when I enter it.

Code: Select all

marq-marquee test message one! Unknown command `mq-marquee'. Type `help' for help.
But I didn't type 'mq-marquee'' into the console, and the line above CLEARLY says I used 'marq-maquee'' with the text string after it. :/

Meanwhile, if I type it very slowly, at like 1-2 characters per second, it goes in fine...

Code: Select all

marq-marquee test message 2 marq-marquee: returned 0 (no error)
And 'Test Message Two' shows up no problem...

All I have to ask is... What the hell?

Cone Master
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Postby dionoea » 25 Mar 2007 19:40

Hum, interesting :) You might want to submit a bug report on https//
Antoine Cellerier
(Please do not use private messages for support questions)

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