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preparing videos for streaming with darwin streaming server.

Posted: 13 Mar 2007 11:55
by atomikramp
ehy :)
first... hello all :) i'm new to this forum and i hope not to create too much problems :)

i have a little question for you..

i'm actually performing some tests.. and i'm trying different streaming softwares for VoD applications.

i started using VLC to transcode videos... (i'm not using it for streaming yet) and i wanted to prepare some videos to stream them using darwin streaming server...

the problem is that when i transcode a video using the wizard in the gui the video doesn't appear to be hinted..

i tried using h264 as video codec
mpeg4 audio as audio codec
and mp4 as container.

i opened the transcoded video using gspot and the codecs are exactly the same as the ones used by a demo video provided with DSS... so the only thing that may be missing is the hinting.. wich is required by darwin to stream the video over RTSP.

does any1 know if it's possible (and how) to use VLC to prepare hinted mp4 video files? or do i need some particular software?

i'm not too much used to command line stuff and i'm running on a windoes OS.. if any1 has suggestions of software for hinting the video... if it's not possible to do it directly via VLC it's really appreciated.

Forgive me for my bad english :)

thnx in advice

Posted: 14 Mar 2007 07:10
by DJ
VLC can't do this for you. Check out and or the doom9 forums.

Posted: 14 Mar 2007 14:16
by bXn
I think you need to use QuickTime Pro to hint your files ;o\

Posted: 15 Mar 2007 14:53
by atomikramp
I found a free command line tools wich hints videos (for those who are interested) try mp4box (for windows)... i think there is the source to compile under linux or other OSes too.