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Usability for vision impiared/blind persons

Posted: 05 Mar 2007 21:56
by modeus

My girlfreind is blind, and when she asked about a good media player i of course recomended VLC, but its giving her alot of problems, she cant get it to play DVD movies proberly.

The problem is she cant see the option to start the movie with her screenreader (Freedom Scientific Jaws 7.10), do anybody know if there is scripts or other options to make this posible

Sorry if my writting is abit in correct but english is not my first language

Posted: 05 Mar 2007 22:08
by DJ
Try setting up a special shortcut using dvdsimple

Posted: 07 Mar 2007 13:10
by matt271
shes blind and wants a script to blindly start dvds??
thats like def people who hook a lamp up to the phone so they know when its ringing...

Posted: 07 Mar 2007 16:33
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
matt271, please be nice on this forum. You don't know the situation, so don't judge, please...

Modeus, use dvdsimple:// since it disable all the DVD menus

Posted: 07 Mar 2007 18:45
by DJ
dvdsimple can be used in a script (batch file) but she still must be able to fine and run it just like a shortcut.