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Mouse wheel scrolling and fullscreen

Posted: 02 Jan 2007 16:06
by netwolf

how can I use the mouse wheel to scroll forward/backward when the video is played in fullscreen?

I know I can use it when not in fullscreen (after clicking the slider once), but as soon as I switch to fullscreen, it doesn't work anymore and I have no way to scroll forward/backward, or do anything else.

Maybe I missed something or there are other (better) ways to scroll, in this case I'm sorry for bothering you.

thank you,

Posted: 03 Jan 2007 09:28
by DJ
Try 0.8.6

Posted: 04 Jan 2007 13:19
by netwolf
Thank you, I will do that.

EDIT: hmm, I tried, but it still doesn't work.

As soon as I switch to fullscreen (either via doubleclick or via rightclick-menu), the mouse wheel stops working (probably because it looses focus) and doesn't do anything anymore.

Is there a way to always use the mouse wheel to scroll forward/backward, no matter if you clicked the slider or something else immediately before (like e.g. ZoomPlayer or other players) ?