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Select network adapter

Posted: 29 Dec 2006 08:44
by Laurentwb

I am using VLC to look at TV that we receive here through internet (UDP). The stream comes from a modem that separates IDTV and standard internet.
The list of UDP addresses for the channels is saved in a file which is automatically opened when VLC starts.

My problem is that I have 2 Ethernet network adapters and that VLC starts properly only when one adapter is activated. As soon as turn the second one on (the card for standard internet), VLC stops.

I think that it would work if I could selecte the ethernet adapter to use in vlc.

Does anyone know how to do this because I don't see this in options of the software ?


Posted: 30 Dec 2006 00:14
by Laurentwb

Nobody knows ? :(

Thanks. Anyway.

Posted: 30 Dec 2006 00:32
by geo
You need to add a multicast route to your operating system.

On *nix it's

sudo route add 224.0.0/4

Can't tell you on windows, however.


Posted: 31 Dec 2006 08:46
by Laurentwb

I'm not sure I understand. I forced the IP address in windows ( and it works whrn it is the only connection activated. Once there is a second, VLC stops playing the video stream (regular address for LAN connection through a 2nd network adapter).

I wonder if I should tell VLC to use I don't know where to do that.

Maybe you are right saying I need to indicate a multicast address to windows. In this case, could someone tell me how to do it in windows ?


Posted: 31 Dec 2006 17:33
by VLC_help
Windows has route command too, but Windows ain't best environment to multi NIC systems (in TCP/IP anyway).