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S/PDIF problem - sound lags

Posted: 20 Dec 2006 02:38
by ub00t
if I activate S/PDIF, then the sound lags and stumbles in few tone loops. Not a nice hearing experience..

My setting: win xp sp2 - audigy 2 zs - activated s/pdif passthrough in creative console. Then a digital output into a decoder.

The Decoder detects, that there is a digital output (Dolby Digital) via s/pdif. Anyway vlc isn't able to deal with the dolby digital stream, transporting via s/pdif - why that? Is there a special "expert setting" in the settings menu, which I haven't seen?

Setting stereo is no problem, it's only a problem with the s/pdif. With PowerDVD it works fine.

Posted: 20 Dec 2006 08:41
by VLC_help
Use Waveout (not DirectX) from VLC settings. This is known issue.

Posted: 20 Dec 2006 17:06
by ub00t
Oh thanks, awesome, it works.

BUT, after the settings change I can't change the loudness while the dolby digital dvd movie is running. Is that normal?

Posted: 21 Dec 2006 04:54
by techshare31
Use Waveout (not DirectX) from VLC settings. This is known issue.
I have set that and tried all different combos but nothing makes the audio right. It only sounds "better" with the waveout setting. I even tried reverting to the old over 8.2 and still no luck :( I have the same setup as the OP in this thread. Also, AC3 filter does not work for me so I was hoping VLC would! DVD's played thru powerdvd DO work, but that's it. TIA for any help!

Posted: 23 Dec 2006 10:39
by VLC_help
You can't change volume of AC3 streams on fly. You have to do that in decoder side (usually in amplifier).

techshare31: Use Media Player Classic, it should work (built in DTS and AC3 decoders). AC3filter should work (just not with VLC as VLC doesn't use external decoders).

Posted: 23 Jan 2007 10:50
by coverdale76
Use Waveout (not DirectX) from VLC settings. This is known issue.
I have set that and tried all different combos but nothing makes the audio right. It only sounds "better" with the waveout setting. I even tried reverting to the old over 8.2 and still no luck :( I have the same setup as the OP in this thread. Also, AC3 filter does not work for me so I was hoping VLC would! DVD's played thru powerdvd DO work, but that's it. TIA for any help!
I got the same problem even after I switched the Output Modules to Win32 waveOut extension output or others. But something works below:

viewtopic.php?t=29224&start=15&postdays ... highlight=

But after some tests, the better result is on the MPC(Media Player Classic with K-Lite Codec Pack) side. No silence break gaps(occurs sometime with VLC output directly through S/PDIF).

My Set:
TOSHIBA M50(Notebook) > MPC(Filter/AC3 audio decoder) > M-Audio FW1814 sound card with digital coaxcial audio output > JS DE006 Decoder > JS 5.1 speakers.