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Some Hotkeys only work in fullscreen

Posted: 15 Dec 2006 04:09
by m4ko
Hi there,

I have MouseWheelUp assigned to "louder" and MouseWheelDown to "quieter" - however VLC will only react on MouseWheelMovements when I am in fullscreen. It does nothing in Windowed mode. This is the same for many more controls.

Help !?

Posted: 08 Jan 2007 10:17
by solidox
Yeah I have a similar. Sometimes the hotkeys just stop working. Sometimes it gets fixed if I toggle fullscreen, sometimes I have to restart VLC.

Waiting for the 090 new interface thingie, hoping it will get fixed.

Posted: 08 Jan 2007 19:45
by DJ
This has been an issue, like forever using VLC. Switching to full screen and then back to a Windows mode generally resolves the issue. In 0.8.6 the issue was addressed for the first time and it does respond better than prior versions.