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Blocky video in Vista

Posted: 27 Nov 2006 14:08
by Zelbinian
I dunno whether this is because you haven't released something specifically for Vista yet (I did notice there was a beta test going on for 0.9.0), but I get extremely blocky playback in VLC regardless of what I'm playing back. Including DVD's. Interestingly enough, WMP has the same behavior. In fact, the only player that seems to be doing things right is Windows Media Center, and I find that just plain bizarre.

Anyone have any idea what might be going on?

Posted: 27 Nov 2006 15:04
by FnF
I have the same problem sometimes, no idea what it is :( Maybe some dev(s) can give some information concerning the whole Vista thingy? :)

Posted: 27 Nov 2006 16:55
by The DJ
You are running prerelease software, with pre-release video drivers, on a pre-release Operating System. I leave the rest of the math up to you :D

Posted: 27 Nov 2006 17:16
by Zelbinian
I had figured that's what it was. Although, I'm not using 0.9.0. I'm using the latest stable version offered on VLC's main page.

My video drivers are screwed anyway, thanks to Acer-modified hardware that Nvidia drivers won't recognize, but that's a whole 'nother story . . .

Posted: 28 Nov 2006 13:37
by FnF
You are running prerelease software, with pre-release video drivers, on a pre-release Operating System. I leave the rest of the math up to you :D
Few things :)
Prerelease OS: Vista is already RTM, and 30 november OEM's are preinstalling it on their systems as well, which is only 2 days left.
As for the drivers, yes, that's true, but expect something final soon :)
And prerelease software, we give feedback to improve ofcourse :)

Posted: 28 Nov 2006 17:00
by VLC_help
Zelbinian: You can modify NVIDIA drivers to work with your card.
in theory that works on Vista too.