Yes, I have downloaded a .ram stream (radio broadcast) and want to transfer it on CD.
I tried what you suggested, but no success, maybe I am doing something wrong in setting the right parameters.
I have no idea what a .ram container is or if it's a raw file format. This may be part of the problem here. In a superficial search nothing relevant came back regarding Multi-Media. Not all formats are compatible with all other formats and containers and the pins just don't connect. Try opening Messages and look for errors.
The usage is just a matter of filling in the boxes.
1. "File" Select a destination for the file using the Browse button and give the file a name "anything.wav"
2. "Encapsulation Method" Select the container type. In this case "WAV".
3. "Audio codec" Select s16l. The rest of the settings here are up to you. The bitrate option effects the quality of the file. Lowering it to far and the quality gets worse. Raising it will maintain more quality but is dependant on the quality of the source. I most cases the default is a good starting place. Channels is the number of channels you want to maintain of the source. In most cases the source is 2 channel Stereo and there in no reason to change this.
4. If you want to listen to the file while transcoding use "Play locally"
5. Press OK and assuming you have selected a file to transcode Press OK
again and the transcode will begin.
6. Opening the Messages window will allow the monitoring of the transcode and give reasons should the transcode not happen or stop.