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Posted: 24 Oct 2006 21:04
by mrambhatla
Hi, I have downloaded the latest ActiveX component for Windows. My application is built in C++ on .NET.
Everytime I start the application, VLC defaults the background image to their cone. I would like to customize this. I tried the BackgroundImage property but that doesn't seem to do anything. Any thoughts?

Re: ACTIVEX 0.8.5

Posted: 03 Nov 2006 12:46
by paulc0001
I think you need to recompile it. Change the function VLCPlugin::onDraw() so that it contains:

FillRect(hdcDraw, &bounds, (HBRUSH)GetStockObject(BLACK_BRUSH));

about 6 lines down. This assumes you want it black - otherwise just create your own brush. Then comment out the block that begins with:

if( NULL != pict )

to stop it drawing the cone. Hope this helps!

Posted: 08 Nov 2006 17:29
by mrambhatla
Thanks for the reply, but I did not compile VLC code. I am just using their ActiveX component in my application. I don't think that I have access to their functions.