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No AC3 in VLC 085

Posted: 22 Oct 2006 22:54
by bollox
Can anybody tell me how to make VLC play AC3 audio through SPDIF? It doesn't work by default? Stereo is fine through SPDIF but not surround.
Also is there a way to lock the gui settings so I don't have to readjust tthem every time I open the program? And finally how do I make the prgram "Stay on top"? Clicking this doesn't do the trick.

Posted: 22 Oct 2006 23:23
by DJ
1. This is discussed or added to here every other day or so. Suggest doing a search or just scrolling down the page. :P

2. wxWidgets does not remember it's position. But any program can be made to do so under Windows. It's either alt or ctrl exit (NOT the X in the upper right hand corner). :) wxWidgets will be going away soon in favor of QT4 so this and a few other things will be resolved.

3. While this does work on my machine there are some that say it doesn't and seems to be dependent on hardware.