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Newbie -WMP icon showing though VLC chosen as defealt player

Posted: 29 Sep 2006 12:15
by jondur945
As said in the subjekt menu, Though I have chosen to open avi files with VLC player, VLC Icon do not have the pleasure to show itself at the present files.

Is there an easy way to make this happen, is it just a bug or something..?

would wery much appreciate an answer though this may not be a critical problem :roll:

Posted: 29 Sep 2006 14:04
by Jean-Baptiste Kempf
Reinstall VLC 0.8.5 and tick the wmv files in the extentions proposed.

Posted: 30 Sep 2006 00:59
by DJ
Ya! That's one way!

But please remember that the Media Player wars have never stopped they have just slowed down. What this means it that every time you get an update from Real Player, WMP, or QT your extensions and or icons change hands. While you are supposed to be informed of this action, sometimes you say yes to the clever verbiage with out realizing the full impact of your decision. I have also noticed that it is harder to find ways to change the extensions within most players as the options are buried deeper with each revision. Some good examples of this is the last revisions of Real Player where all of the extensions are listed separately by there owner. Kinda neat at first site but in trying to wade through it, can be nightmarish to get it right the first time. QT in there latest versions are grouping sets of extensions and calling them one thing so you don't really know what your doing. :roll:

Posted: 30 Sep 2006 22:19
by joseph5
Go to Folder options in Windows Explorer, then to File Types and look for .AVI. There should be an option to change icons.

Posted: 02 Oct 2006 02:12
by kodama
You may also need to change the file association back to its default before Windows will let you change the icon. That is, go >>Control Panel >>Folder Options >>File Types >>AVI File >>Restore (Restore button will then change to become..) >>Advanced

From there you can browse to the VLC icon and then change the file association back again to VLC from WMP. It seems to be a strange quirk of Windows (my copy at the very least).

Posted: 21 Oct 2006 12:17
by 02motiv8n

Did a search, and read through this thread... still I'm not certain what to make of a problem I'm experiencing.

Last night I did a few MS critical updates. Immediately afterwards VLC was no longer the default media player AND the VLC Icon no longer had its distictive coloring. The pylon shape is still there, but it now appears painted with some generic MS icon ~ reminds me of a missing icon symbol or similar.

The VLC icon was the only icon on my desktop to be effected.

Thoughts? Solutions?
I'm far from savvy/techie so any help would be appreciated.

Thank you for your time :D

Posted: 21 Oct 2006 21:44
by Ozelotl
Well, next time you install WindowsXP, make sure to preliminarily design an own InstallationCD with nLite. That way, you can make it NOT install the fuc**** Windows Media Player in the first place. And some other not needed programs, too.

But surely there is also a way of uninstalling the bitch. I mean it messes up your Icons on purpose, so get rid of it. No wmp, no problem.

Posted: 22 Oct 2006 00:37
by DJ
You may also need to change the file association back to its default before Windows will let you change the icon. That is, go >>Control Panel >>Folder Options >>File Types >>AVI File >>Restore (Restore button will then change to become..) >>Advanced

From there you can browse to the VLC icon and then change the file association back again to VLC from WMP. It seems to be a strange quirk of Windows (my copy at the very least).
What you suggest here should work every time and in all versions of Windows I have used. :)

Posted: 22 Oct 2006 00:43
by DJ
Well, next time you install WindowsXP, make sure to preliminarily design an own InstallationCD with nLite. That way, you can make it NOT install the fuc**** Windows Media Player in the first place. And some other not needed programs, too.

But surely there is also a way of uninstalling the bitch. I mean it messes up your Icons on purpose, so get rid of it. No wmp, no problem.
If you go to Microsoft's website and read the EEC directive you will find a list of what is removed. After reading the list and taking some time to digest it, are you really sure you want to do this??? Seems they have made it so that we are damed if we do and damed if we don't. There really is no good answer here even though YOU may think there is! :P