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Bug load files with the 0.8.5 and 0.8.6 latest nightly build

Posted: 27 Aug 2006 15:23
by tuleggi
I have already write you about this some times ago (when the 0.8.5 has come out), unfortunately today I have tested the new nightly build for windows, the 0.8.6 - 20060827, and the bug is still there!

The 0.8.4a rocks instead.

Here the problem:
with Windows XP, tested with a 5yrs old laptop and also with a 2yrs old PC, when I tried to load a directory with a lot of mp3 files the newer version of VLC crashes, always.
It has never happen to me with the 0.8.4a (which I still use because it is stable), right now i.e. I load more than 4000 songs at once without problems. (while the 0.8.5 or the 0.8.6 crash even with 2000 songs, I guess also with less...)

Thanks for your good work, I hope this will be fixed with the release of the 0.8.6 version :)

Posted: 27 Aug 2006 20:44
by DJ
At an average of 3 min per tune it would take better than 8 days of listening 24/7 before you heard the first tune again. This is of coarse assuming you would remember, because of the groggy stupor your in for staying up for 8 days to see it played and didn't crash. :P

But thanks for the tip, I promise not to do that. :lol:

Posted: 28 Aug 2006 00:02
by tuleggi
Did you read what I have wrote???

The 0.8.4a version works well, in 30sec all songs are loaded!!!!
While the 0.8.5 and 0.8.6 crash immediately.

And of course I will not listen at once all these songs, but using the random function I am "sure" not to listen everytime the same song... (and I can do searches etc. directly from the playlist of the excellent VLC media player!)

So it is a bug came out from the 0.8.5 and still there also with the nighty build. I think it is good to report it so you can fix it maybe.
Thank you :)

Posted: 28 Aug 2006 01:39
by DJ
Yup! Read what you wrote! 0.8.4 doesn't do it, 0.8.5 does do it and 0.8.6 the playlist is being completely rebuilt so is in a state of flux at the moment but according to you still does it. Did I miss something?

My only comment is that I would never do that any way as windows will probably crash before I got all the way through the files and that is one of the many reasons for the rebuild. So I guess we will all need to wait and see what the new version holds when it is finished. :P