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Audio echo off!!

Posted: 12 Aug 2006 17:01
by hossein
Hi all,
I have a problem but i don't know is there any soloution in vlc for solving this or no!
I use vlc (or it's activex in vb6) for streaming (and actually audio&video conferencing) in two points, every thing is excelent but when i speak in one side in the other side speaker play my voice with a delay and my own voice return to me from that microphone with some delay and it will be in a loop and and make echo! any idea to solve this problem?!!
Thank you for that befor that!!

Posted: 12 Aug 2006 17:19
by The DJ
VLC does not have an echo filter.
VLC isn't really made for videoconferencing so that's why.

Posted: 13 Aug 2006 06:02
by hossein
First of all, thank you for your answer.
I knew that vlc doesnt support that, and also it is not specially for conferencing!, but what i want to know is: Is there any soloution that maybe other guys know that can solve this?! for example an activex for echo cacellation or hardware soloution or directx filter or something like that?
Thank you anyway.

Posted: 13 Aug 2006 07:27
by DJ
Echo or noise cancellation is generally a microphone proximity problem or the microphone is not directional enough for is usage, IE more Omni-directional than Cardiod in it's pick up patterns. Proximity is generally referred to as the distance between you and the microphone and this may help, by bringing the microphone closer to you and speaking more softly will reduce the echo. But what was meant by the usage here was the distance between the microphone and the speakers and the volume of both. Of coarse you could always turn the speakers out of phase to the microphone and this would serve as its own cancellation. :)

Even if there were such an activeX it would not work with VLC as VLC is NOT a Direct Show player and I don't believe I have ever seen any kind of plug-in for DirectX.