vlc-0.8.5-win32.exe parameter

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Aunty Lucy
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vlc-0.8.5-win32.exe parameter

Postby Aunty Lucy » 03 Aug 2006 03:59


Can anyone advise me on what is the hidden command for this exe, other than the one that I know of /S (silent install)

But it look like install with minimum.

Is there any parameter that can set to install full or customise ?

Thanks in advance

Aunty Lucy
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Postby Aunty Lucy » 07 Aug 2006 08:17

anyone can help ?


Postby Guest » 07 Aug 2006 09:33

This has been asked countless times before and /s has been recommended by an number of users. However, no one has come back and said it worked or that there are any options. The devs seem to believe this in a Windows function. :P


Postby Guest » 08 Aug 2006 03:22

The /S only work on silent mode with default installation.

You can do more on customise mode in GUI mode. Hence is there any parameter that was not stated to do the extra setting other then the /S.

BTW Im Aunty Lucy.

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Postby DJ » 08 Aug 2006 04:18

Any settings that can be placed on the command line and can be saved in preferences!

Open a DOS box and type: CD "C:\Program Files\VideoLAN\VLC" Then type: vlc -H then type: edit vlc-help.txt

This provides all the switches syntax available in the program and savable in preferences. Once the program opens press save and close the player. The syntax also provides over rides for preferences.

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