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DVD Aspect Ratio Problem 16:9 on 1280x768

Posted: 31 Jul 2006 09:58
by WeberAndre

I'am using VLC 0.8.5 on a 40 inch Display with 1280x768 dots. If I play a DVD - I thought I will get small black bars on the top and botton with a height of 24 Pixel each (because 1280x720 is 16:9) But what I see on my Display looks more like bars of 200 Pixel or so... I have also tried some differnt DVD's but no real? success - what my be the reason for this? are my DVD's not 16:9?


Posted: 31 Jul 2006 10:09
by DJ
All DVDs present video in a 4x3 frame so that has compatibility to 4x3 TVs. All of the newer wide screens are 16x10 so there are some discrepancies all the way around. If you crop the video it should work. However if you crop the video during transcode you remove the compatibility for 4x3 TVs and there is nothing that can correct for this. :)