step by step please.

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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step by step please.

Postby tomroth » 29 Jul 2006 03:22

I am "borrowing" my neightbors wireless network with my laptop in hopes to send MP3's from the laptop and their router to my basement PC which is connected to my stereo which is connected to porch speakers. I want to sit on my porch and change songs/volume. The laptop should just open IE and type http://myexternalip:8080. Correct? What do I need to do on the basement PC which I am trying to send the info to. I have started the HTTP interface. Do I just start VideoLAN and that's it? Do I need to do port forwarding on MY (not wireless) router? Any help would be appreciated. The laptop is XP Pro, the basement is Win98SE.

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Postby DJ » 29 Jul 2006 06:29

I know I answered this just a few days ago. Port forwarding was the answer. Assuming the dummy has left the password unset. You can also assign your computer to the DMZ, but this by passes the hardware firewall.

But, personally I would approach your neighbor and ask first, simply because it is the right thing to do.

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Postby tomroth » 29 Jul 2006 16:08

So port forwarding needs to be done on the outgoing router, not the incoming router?

Cone Master
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Postby DJ » 29 Jul 2006 21:37

Setting a router temporarily to the DMZ eliminates the router from the equation and allows you to see where the problems are and how the routers need to be set. There are no pat answers in a complex chain of equipment and assumes to much the the other person (Me) that may not understand exactly what you are trying to do, other than lay by the pool during the summer months and enjoy music and laugh at your neighbor for not setting a password. Perhaps by the time you figure this out (s)he will have figured out ho to set a password and you will need to start all over again. :P

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Postby tomroth » 30 Jul 2006 03:34

I don't want to mess up anyones system. The wireless network is there, so I am using it. I could buy my own $50 wireless router and fix the "by the pool" issue, but that is not the point for me. I want this to work over the internet. I go out of town for business often and would like to supply my wife and child with "pool music". I would be using Holiday Inn's wireless router, so what is the difference? Do I port forward one the outside router, or on my own internal network router?

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