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UPDATED: VLC gets exception trying to list Shoutcast streams

Posted: 24 May 2006 15:59
by SimonGales
I'm trying to pull up a list of Shoutcast streams in last-night's nightly build. I start VLC, select View->Playlist, then select Manage->ServicesDiscovery->ShoutcastRadioListings.

I immediately get an exception, which Windows graciously offers to send to Microsoft for me :-). Looks like a problem in the wxwidgets plugin, not sure what, and I'm not setup to debug it at all on Windows.

The same thing happens with the vlc-0.8.5 release.

Code: Select all

VLC media player has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience.
If I view the error report, I see:

Code: Select all

Error Signature: AppName: vlc.exe AppVer: ModName: libwxwidgets_plugin.dll ModVer: Offset: 00013529
Is this being actively worked on, or is this a new bug?


This appears to also be a problem in the Linux version, when accessed via the http interface. Listing Shoutcast streams via the ncurses interface appears to work fine. So far.

Can any of you list ShoutCast streams with VLC?

Posted: 26 May 2006 23:03
by SimonGales
I noticed some entries in Trac recently regarding Shoutcast fixes, and indeed tonite's build looks much closer... but not quite there.

Glad to see you folks are working on this, it's a killer feature.

Thanks for all of the great work, VLC is fantastic!

(now if only I can get ogg files/streams working on the Roku :-))