.asx download stream to file capture - VLC skipping issues

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.asx download stream to file capture - VLC skipping issues

Postby Ankh666 » 24 May 2006 04:44


this is the stream i'm trying to play/capture:

http://www.abc.net.au/newsradio/audio/2 ... rstuff.asx


First thing, re .ra / .ram capture,
I can get the .asx link to stream with VLC, but the .ra* stream doesn't work:

http://www.abc.net.au/newsradio/audio/2 ... rstuff.ram

are those .ra* formats supported by VLC?

next thing, i got the .asx to stream with VLC, but it skips lots when i'm listening while i capture it. so when i'm playing it back, the sound seems to expand and compress all over the place

If i opened the online link to play the stream in MediaPlayer v10 right now, it wouldn't skip.
But if i open it in VLC it will

Thing is, I have skipping issues very much the same while playing part videos in emule. That issue seems to be related to downloading at the same time in emule. I think when i shut off the downloading in emule, to play the viedo, it skips less. I can't remember now.
Then once the video is downloaded, i recall some of the (bigger?) files skipping (shuddering) lots when i play them, and when i shut down emule or such it skips much less or stops skipping.
There is some resource issue there as far as i understand it.
But this skipping doesn't happen when i play them in other video players like media player 10

The following is a bunch of details that may or may not help:

I have VLC v0.8.4a

OS: winXP pro

I had cole2k codec installed, and so i uninstalled that to see if that would do anything, but it didn't fix anything.

I have a router, with 1.5m broadband.

I have 1GB RAM

I have sygate firewall. I tried streaming with this disabled, but it didn't fix anything.

I have tried "open network stream.."
& used the wizard also.

the cache default was 600
I have tried streaming with the cache to 0, and to 1200

I could get it to stream, and to capture to a file, and then playback in both VLC & mediaplayer 10, but the issue is just all that compressing and expanding thing

I know i can capture it to file fine using mediaplayer v10 & the prog. "replay music", but i want to eliminate those and just use VLC

& i was wondering about the "partial extract" settings with the wizard.
how does that work? I mean what do you input into the boxes?

also, i think the following is a cole2k codec issue - i installed the latest pack - Now, whenever i open a video file - on the first instance of opening - the video plays at a very low quality. So then I have to pause that video, leave that window open, then open a second instance of the same file after that, and it plays just fine. And i have to go through this opening the file twice thing with any player (mediaplayer, VLC, BSplayer, powerDVD..) i'm opening the file in, every time i want to view video.
I have to do it with viewing part files in emule (limewire, etc.), too

many thanks


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