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1-button recording

Posted: 11 May 2006 08:36
by IVM
1. Is it possible to record stream from IP-TV by pressing one button? To record I use "Open network stream" etc. but it's not very comfortable.

2. Why in "raw dump input" recording mode it's not possible to view video? Of course I can run the second VLC, but it's also not comfortable.

3. Are there any differences between "raw dump input" recording mode and "MPEG-TS"? My provider streams video channels directly from satellite and all channels are in MPEG-2 format.
If there are no differenses you may ignore the 2-nd question ;)

Posted: 12 May 2006 10:48
by IVM
Does anybody know the answers?

Posted: 14 May 2006 02:24
by DJ
I've been hesitant to answer your questions here even though I have seen them for the last few days. It seems that the primary problem is the misconceptions that are associated with this.

1. VLC is not a PVR.

2. Raw video is not MPEG-TS

3. Yes there is a record feature, it's two buttons ctrl r, but you need to turn on the module in Preferences and set the folder and filename. Depending on the real source format and container type there may be other options that need to be included and or changed.

4. As to, if you can view this at the same time, depends greatly upon the source and transcode type, Resolution and Bit Rate IE if your computer can do all of this in real time. If it reverts non real time you may lose the connection only in the case of streaming off the web.

Posted: 14 May 2006 13:02
by IVM
1. What is PVR?

2. OK, but if the signal is transmitted directly from satellite, in this case, what differencses between raw input and MPEG-TS?
All channels are MPEG-2, bitrate is about 4-5 Mbps.

And again I didn't understand why I can't see video in the same instance of VLC when I use "raw input"?
It seems that the primary problem is the misconceptions that are associated with this.
And I don't know any other videoplayer which can show IP-TV on my computer via UDP.
So if VLC is some kind of monopolist in this area I want to get all fuctinonality from it.

Posted: 14 May 2006 19:15
by Guest
1. Personal Video Recorder

2. Raw Video is uncompressed and contains a color standard it is not considered a format and does not have a container. Generally it has no sound and when it does it is a separate stream or file and it has no means of sync to video. All of this is very unlike MPEG-TS

3. In a record mode Raw is NOT a container or it's NO encapsulation method used for things like MP3 files that do not need a container. Raw is not a Dump mode as you see in some programs.

Posted: 15 May 2006 05:43
by HyperHacker
FYI, you can change the hotkey.

Posted: 15 May 2006 06:18
by IVM
1. Raw Video is uncompressed and contains a color standard it is not considered a format and does not have a container. Generally it has no sound and when it does it is a separate stream or file and it has no means of sync to video. All of this is very unlike MPEG-TS
The point is that I know that my provider streams MPEG-2 video. So when I record in this mode I just give the filename Some_Film.mpg and it is played wonderful in other players, for example Sasami2k and Windows Media Player.

Concerning Ctrl+R: I turned on module in Preferences/Access input but it doesn't work. I just press Ctrl+R and nothing happens. Could you tell me step-by-step what should I do? I can't find this in documentation.

Posted: 16 May 2006 14:44
by IVM

Somebody did't do any reading at all did they?

Posted: 16 May 2006 16:49
Mpeg2 format is mainly for recording to DVD.

And it seems there may be some hotkey conflict's on your pc. I can't get faster to work with hotkey & I've tried a few combo's.

Kinda reminds me of an old Led Zepplin tune "been dazed & confused for so long it's not true, wanted a woman never bargined for you, lot's a people .... oh, sorry i got off on a rant there, Hey, does anybody know of a solution to RealVideo??? It`seems nobody`wants to deal with there codec or doesn't want to even go there. Never hated a player more. It's right up there with all the virus software that try to take your computer

Anyway, I love this software! Not a bad piece of work guy's, Thanks!!!!

Posted: 16 May 2006 19:28
by IVM
TURBO, you are wrong. MPEG-2 has several levels and profiles, each combination of level and profile has its own area of use. For example, there is a professional MPEG-2 using for digital video recording and editing (it is similiar to DV format) at 25 Mbps. Another combination of level and profile is used for DVB (Digital Video Broadcasting, or TV via satellite) and for DVD. For DVD bitrate varies up to 10.08 Mbps (all streams) and for DVB (standard resolution, not High definition) it is usually about 4-5 Mbps.

But it's offtop :)

So, I just want to know WHAT should I do to make CTRL+R work? I turned on recording module but when I press CTRL+R NOTHING HAPPENS!
Please, help me. I can't find anything in documentation.

Posted: 17 May 2006 18:35
by IVM
So, I just want to know WHAT should I do to make CTRL+R work? I turned on recording module but when I press CTRL+R NOTHING HAPPENS!
Please, help me. I can't find anything in documentation.