Bass through the uses of four channels is derived through a matrix as is the center channel information. This is rather normal for ac3 (a/52). The file has a flag telling the program when to switch to stereo or 5.1. If the flag is missing the default is stereo as a few discontented users have discovered with 5.1 mixes that lack the flag. This forces them to right click on the player and manually select the 5.1 option from "Audio Device" there are also other options there for you to try.
There is also an Equalizer and a headphone vitalization function in the Extended GUI. Go to the Settings tab and choose "Extended GUI"
Now I'm assuming that the up mix circumvents the flag and allows the right front to be mixed to the right rear and the same for the left side, but you may need to play with the rest of the functions in order to find it.