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Windows command line 3 Qs

Posted: 19 Apr 2006 20:42
by zimbot
I have 3 Qs about doing Windows command line.

I currently have a file.bat

vlc -V image --image-out-format="jpeg" --image-out-ratio 580 --image-out-prefix mm1 D:\001.mpg
vlc -V image --image-out-format="jpeg" --image-out-ratio 580 --image-out-prefix mm2 D:\m2.mpg
vlc -V image --image-out-format="jpeg" --image-out-ratio 580 --image-out-prefix ww2 D:\wm002.wmv

this does most of what i would like ( meaning it plays 3 files and gets 3 pngs ) but
I cannot force it to get a jpg I have tried
--image-out-format jpeg , --image-out-format jpg
I have heard the the windows syntax is ...="jpeg"

I currently have to click the X gadget to close each instrance of the player.
so my vlc:quit is not correct.

and I would like to player faster that realtime , maybe 200 - whatever.

so 3 qs

force jpg ( currently makes png
how to quit ( currently does not quit and exit at end
and faster play ( not attempted in the above bat )


well I figured out number 2

Posted: 19 Apr 2006 20:56
by zimbot
OK... so I know how to exit & quit.
I cahnged my bat to as follows

vlc -V image --image-out-format="jpg" --image-out-ratio 580 --image-out-prefix mm1 D:\001.mpg vlc:quit
vlc -V image --image-out-format="jpg" --image-out-ratio 580 --image-out-prefix mm2 D:\m2.mpg vlc:quit
vlc -V image --image-out-format="jpg" --image-out-ratio 580 --image-out-prefix ww2 D:\wm002.wmv vlc:quit
vlc: exit

... all on 1 line
vlc -V image --image-out-format="jpg" --image-out-ratio 580 --image-out-prefix mm1 D:\001.mpg vlc:quit

now i still could use a jpg syntax -- and that should be possible
and player faster would be nice

Posted: 20 Apr 2006 00:37
by dionoea
You should try a 0.8.5 beta release. I think that jpg support for the image output was added after 0.8.4a.