Everytning OK except Quicktime streaming

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 18
Joined: 14 Apr 2006 09:32

Everytning OK except Quicktime streaming

Postby dmelliott » 14 Apr 2006 09:58

Everything works very nicely except Quicktime streaming. The same file downloaded plays nicely.

The playback hangs up at the start. If I keep pushing the elapsed time cursor back to the start, it will sometimes work, however it often hangs half way through.

Am on a 1.5 Meg cable, and the card says it is on 100M. Have no trouble playing the same thing in Quicktime.

Have tried many things, to no avail. The cache setting makes no difference. The priority setting has no effect. The fast mutex makes no difference.

Help, Help!

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