AMR support
Posted: 15 Feb 2006 15:28
Hi all,
I need to stream real audio in AMR format, but VLC palyer did not support AMR audio
I tried to compile VLC with ffmpeg and AMR with no success.
Im prepared to payl to whoever can build me a Windows version of VLC that supports AMR streaming with the latest VLC stable source.
It must also support MP4, H.263 and RTSP streaming.
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I need to stream real audio in AMR format, but VLC palyer did not support AMR audio

I tried to compile VLC with ffmpeg and AMR with no success.
Im prepared to payl to whoever can build me a Windows version of VLC that supports AMR streaming with the latest VLC stable source.
It must also support MP4, H.263 and RTSP streaming.
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