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problem on multiple local displays

Posted: 10 Feb 2006 08:10
by Videoman
When I activated three local displays to monitor three video streams, three monitor windows were opened but three videos were mixed up in the active window and other two were blanked.

The commands in telnet session are shown as following:

new bc1 broadcast enabled
setup bc1 input vcd://E:
setup bc1 output #transcode{vcode=mp2v,vb=3072,scale=1,acodec=mpga,ab=512,channels=2}:duplicate{dst=display,dst=std{access=udp,mux=ts,dst=}}
setup bc1 loop

new bc2 broadcast enabled
setup bc2 input c:\abc.wmv
setup bc2 output #transcode{vcode=mp2v,vb=3072,scale=1,acodec=mpga,ab=512,channels=2}:duplicate{dst=display,dst=std{access=udp,mux=ts,dst=}}
setup bc2 loop

new bc3 broadcast enabled
setup bc3 input c:\efg.wmv
setup bc3 output #transcode{vcode=mp2v,vb=3072,scale=1,acodec=mpga,ab=512,channels=2}:duplicate{dst=display,dst=std{access=udp,mux=ts,dst=}}
setup bc3 loop


Re: problem on multiple local displays

Posted: 10 Feb 2006 08:50
by DJ
When I activated three local displays to monitor three video streams, three monitor windows were opened but three videos were mixed up in the active window and other two were blanked.
No mater how I look at this I am not sure I get it!

1. You are opening 3 instances of VLC to monitor 3 streams and the 3 instances opened but did not contain the files you asked for and further 2 of the instances did not show video??

2. You are opening 3 instances of VLC to display on 3 different displays (or monitors) to monitor 3 streams, but he files did not show up on the correct monitors and two of the monitors had sound and no video???

I think I have some big questions and it doesn't require an answer to the first 2 questions.

1. What kind of machine do you have (spec)??

2. What is the bit rate of each of the files you are trying to stream and in what container?? From the examples, a VCD (MPEG-1) and 2 WMV files are being transcoded to what appears to be mp2v (MPEG-2) video with mpga (MPEG) audio in a MPEG-TS container. Rather high overhead all the way around. What is the resolution of the files?

3. Have you looked at your Task Manager (CPU usage and Available Memory)??

4. Did you look at Messages within VLC to try to determine the problem for yourself before writing this confusing post??

5. Assuming all the videos showed up in the order you expected and all of them played properly, what kind of internet conection do you have?? Certanly isn't roadrunner! :wink:

I think what I am trying to say is that you are not providing enough information to try approaching an answer. I am not trying to be snip it here, I am just trying to ask some real world questions to understand what is happening.


Posted: 10 Feb 2006 10:13
by Videoman
Let me explain it in more detail

In telnet session, three video streams were broadcasted at local terminal and I can pick them up at remote client with VLC without problem and in good quality.

new bc1 broadcast enabled
setup bc1 input vcd://E:
setup bc1 output #transcode{vcode=mp2v,vb=3072,scale=1,acodec=mpga,ab=512,channels=2}:duplicate{dst=std{access=udp,mux=ts,dst=}}
setup bc1 loop

new bc2 broadcast enabled
setup bc2 input c:\abc.wmv
setup bc2 output #transcode{vcode=mp2v,vb=3072,scale=1,acodec=mpga,ab=512,channels=2}:duplicate{dst=std{access=udp,mux=ts,dst=}}
setup bc2 loop

new bc3 broadcast enabled
setup bc3 input c:\efg.wmv
setup bc3 output #transcode{vcode=mp2v,vb=3072,scale=1,acodec=mpga,ab=512,channels=2}:duplicate{dst=std{access=udp,mux=ts,dst=}}
setup bc3 loop

In order to monitor the quailty of the broadcasting signals at local terminal, I add


in each output statements. Three broadcasting signals shall be shown on its corresponding instances of VLC at local terminal.

Three instances of VLC were displayed at the local terminal but it seemed that three broadcasting signals were mixed up and displayed on the active instance. Other two instances were blanked. (I can still pick them up at remote client with VLC without problem and in good quality).

Posted: 10 Feb 2006 18:09
by dionoea
what happens if you comment the setup streamname output lines ?

Posted: 11 Feb 2006 02:18
by Videoman
Functionally the streaming quailty has no problem. The problem is on the "local display" dst=display. The video cannot display correctly at local terminal. They all mix up in the active display window.

Posted: 11 Feb 2006 17:31
by dionoea
this seems to be a windows only issue. I'll test on windows (if i remember). (I'd still like to know if it works when you remove the output setup lines. You could also maybe try to change the video output method in the VLC perfs... just in case)