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error msvcrt.dll on Windows XP

Posted: 23 Dec 2024 03:42
by Cixert
VLC 3.0.21 is not running on Windows XP SP3, I get the error "Procedure entry point wcscat_s not found in dynamic link library msvcrt.dll"
VLC 3.0.20 works.

Re: error msvcrt.dll on Windows XP

Posted: 14 Mar 2025 14:59
by DoctorWho

Thanks for the informations shared. We identified as well this issue on Windows XP. You can use our "Nightly" versions of VLC 32-bits which are working fine to bypass this issue on Windows XP while we investigate the issue : ... d4e0b2.exe

This version is normally working fine and prevents from the error message you got.
Please be aware that nightly version is experimental and may various depending on the operating system and hardware you have.

VLC Nightly versions for Windows 32 bits :

Don't hesitate to reply to this post if the workaround worked for you!