How can I open VLC windowed (not tray only) and auto-play a playlist?

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Blank Cone
Blank Cone
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Joined: 16 Feb 2015 22:11

How can I open VLC windowed (not tray only) and auto-play a playlist?

Postby Barabba11 » 10 Oct 2024 18:12

Hi, I'm experiencing several problems with VLC and I can fix one, wich really sounds strange.
Let's think I want to play a radio automatically when I launch an icon, can be the playlist.m3u itself which opens VLC or a batch file or a link with command line options.. whatever make me able to succed
I'm saving the url into a text file, and poperly rename it on .m3u

#EXTINF:-1,[Web] Deejay Suona Italia
https://4c4b867c89244861ac216426883d1ad ... ylist.m3u8

Now, I open this file and I got VLC 3.0.21 minimized on try, why? Can I have the normal window open?
It is not play nothing, I need to press manually play
Sometimes I open it and on playlist (ctrl+L) there is already something, I want to have there only the playlist I open

I've tried to solve them but unsucesfully, maybe VLC is not the right player for my purposes? Thanks

Blank Cone
Blank Cone
Posts: 41
Joined: 16 Feb 2015 22:11

Re: How can I open VLC windowed (not tray only) and auto-play a playlist?

Postby Barabba11 » 10 Oct 2024 18:49

Imoved to foobar2000, all problems solved naturally

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