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VLC displaying filename, not playlist TAG

Posted: 28 Jan 2024 04:56
by trysting
I thought I had this beaten, but the results seem to be hit and miss.

I insert a tag like this into the playlist above the path and filename of the file, but on screen VLC is displaying the filename (not the path)

Code: Select all

#EXTINF:-1,Good Omens S02e01 ../directoryname/filename.ext
On a related note, why doesn't VLC update the meta information in the file according to changes I make while it is playing? The changes appear to only affect the playlist while it is currently being displayed.

Re: VLC displaying filename, not playlist TAG

Posted: 29 Jan 2024 12:31
by Lotesdelere
I'm not sure VLC can read tags out of external files, especially from an M3U playlist.